To bring the transformative message of Christ to unreached communities in Nepal, India, and Bhutan by planting resilient, Christ-centered churches and equipping local leaders. Through sustainable initiatives like faith-based education and microfinance, we aim to build a foundation for spiritual and economic growth, empowering communities to carry the gospel forward for generations to come.
We believe that God exists as one essence in three persons Father, Son, and Holy Spirit— each fully and equally God, coexisting in perfect unity.
The Father plans salvation, the Son accomplishes it, and the Holy Spirit applies it, reflecting distinct roles in a unified work.
3.Equal in Power and Glory: Father,Son,and Holy Spirit
Salvation is solely by God’s grace, given freely to those He chooses, not based on human merit but God’s sovereign will.
Believers are declared righteous by God through faith in Jesus Christ, not by works, and are clothed in Christ’s righteousness.
Humanity is entirely affected by sin, making salvation impossible apart from God’s regenerating work in the heart.
Those truly saved by God’s grace are kept by His
power and will persevere in faith until the end
The Bible is the inspired Word of God, fully authoritative and infallible, containing all truth necessary for faith and life.
Scripture alone is sufficient for knowing God’s will and is clear enough for believers to understand, though interpretation requires the Spirit’s guidance.
The Bible points to Christ as its central focus, revealing God’s redemptive plan through Him from Genesis to Revelation.
We believe the Great Commission, believing in a call to share the gospel and make disciples among all nations.
Mission work aims to glorify God by spreading His truth and bringing others into worship, acknowledging God’s sovereignty in calling His people.
Mission includes building communities that live according to God’s covenant, caring for the spiritual and practical needs of believers and the world.
Mission includes addressing social issues, embodying the gospel in acts of love, justice, and mercy, as expressions of God’s kingdom on earth.
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